Our History

We have been serving Renfrew & Area since 1929


Ninety World War I veterans attended the first meeting called to establish Branch 148 in 1929. History records indicate that there were fifteen charter members with the first president being Mr. A.B.C. Throop. The Canadian legion of the British Empire service league was the official name of the organization at the time in 1929.

The Legion

The present location for the legion started with the purchase of the former home of the McAndrew family. The need to expand was soon realized and a membership building committee was formed. Extensive renovations of the building were started and in 1965 the official opening of our new hall was celebrated.

Mission Statement

The mission of our Legion is to serve veterans, including military & RCMP members and their families; to promote Remembrance, and to serve our communities and our country.


The Cenotaph

The raising of money to erect a memorial to commemorate the dead of World War I was the first major work of the branch founders. The Honourable Thomas Low of Renfrew committed himself to contributing the major cost and consequently it was for him that low square was named. In 2008 the cenotaph was in desperate need of restoration. Comrade Bill Welsh, spearheaded this undertaking. On September 21, 2008, many townsfolk attended a special ceremony to re-dedicate and remember our fallen heroes at the newly restored cenotaph.

Remembrance Day

The biggest day of the year. The annual parade and attendance is a long standing tradition in Renfrew. It takes a lot of preparation by comrade Bruce Ferguson (the poppy chairman) and the committee to organize the preparations for this very special day. Many, many hours are volunteered by the members to poppy tag the weekend before Remembrance Day. Proceeds from our poppy donations are distributed to:

  • Local Veterans Comfort
  • Renfrew Victoria Hospital
  • Homeless Veterans
  • Bursaries
  • Poetry, essay & poster contest prizes
  • Service Bureau Veterans Assistance
  • Support of Cadet Units
  • Relief of Disasters
  • Restoration/Repair of Monuments

Live Entertainment

Live entertainment is provided in the lounge every Saturday from 4 to 8 pm and two Friday nights a month from 8 pm to midnight. View our upcoming events calendars

Legion Seniors

The Legion Seniors meet Monday afternoons to play darts and friendship. The Legion Seniors will start again in September.

Renfrew Highland Pipes & Drums

The Renfrew Highland Pipes and Drums was founded in 1913 and plays for concerts, parades and special events up and down the Ottawa Valley. We are proud of our long partnership with the Renfrew Legion Branch 148. 

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*Our Branch is Service-Dog Friendly* 
Lounge Hours
– 613-432-2582
Regular hours:
Sunday to Wednesday – Closed
Thursday – 1:00 - 8:00
Fridays - 1:00 -  8:00
Saturday – 1:00 - 9:00 pm

Office Hours – 613-432-6450, email  info@renfrewlegionbr148.ca.
Regular hours: Monday – 8-4
Tuesday - 8-4
Wednesday - 8-4
Thursday - 8-12
Friday - 8-12